I have gained three things from my action learning set;
1. space to reflect and focus on my individual work performance,
2. input from other participants – both when presenting and questioning,
3. informed my own questioning/supervision skills
I recommend action learning as a technique which can be applied in other situations and for space to focus on your needs. I have received lots of valuable input on specific problems.

Nick Hardwick, Chief Executive of the Refugee Council

Action learning is a process whereby small groups of senior managers or chief executives develop themselves and their organisation through jointly examining the work situations they each face.

Ruth currently facilitates about 15 action learning sets for chief executives, directors and senior managers, either within organisations or development sets with participants from different organisations. Ruth also provides training and support for action learning set facilitators.

Development Sets

consist of about six individuals working at similar levels across the public and voluntary sector, who meet for five whole day sessions over the course of a year. The participants present their major challenges and dilemmas to the others and the group works on what is effectively a live case study. The techniques enable the group of people to challenge, support and assist the individual to identify their own solutions. The action takes place back in the workplace and the learning comes from reviewing the action and its effect at a later meeting. The outcome is a change in behaviour or approach.

In-House Action Learning Sets

provide a forum for bringing managers together and focusing on the real life challenges that they each face in the workplace. Each set member identifies particular areas of development and/or projects which they will work on during the lifetime of the set. Alternatively, the set can be a group who are working on a common project or the implementation of change within the organisation.

Past and current customers include:

;European Cultural Foundation
;Arts and Business
;Cancer Research UK
;Financial Services Authority
;Arts education agencies in the south west
;Creative Partnerships.

Facilitator Training

Past and current customers include:

;Voluntary Arts Wales
;Independent Theatre Council
;Cancer Research UK.


She has:
co-ordinated sets across local authorities and the voluntary sector
;run sets for senior arts managers
;supported sets for facilitators in various organisations
;provided development sets for chief executives in the NHS and local authorities

Some examples of recent action learning sets:

;European Cultural Foundation – a set for network coordinators across Europe which met for five weekends over 18 months
;Rethink – training and support for internal facilitators who provide action learning sets for operational managers across the country
;NHS/Local Authorities – sets for chief executives and directors which focus on partnership and cross boundary working in health and social care
;Creative Partnerships – an Arts Council initiative operating in 16 pilot areas which provides a bridge between schools and cultural organisations to promote creativity in the curriculum. There are two action learning sets for the creative directors of the 16 pilot areas to enable them to share learning across the country.

For more information, see:

Please contact us if you would like to arrange a meeting with Ruth to discuss your requirements,
or to receive further information.

19 Sycamore Court, Royal Oak Yard, Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3TR
Tel/fax: 020 7407 1971